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Julia Freedgood on How to Grow Strong and Sustainable Food Systems
It takes a holistic view, systems thinking, and an understanding of how to listen to the community.by: Jon DePaolis October 17, 2024It takes a holistic view, systems thinking, and an understanding of how to listen to the community. -
Support Grows for Preserving Rural Grocery Stores
Lawmakers and communities fight to save access to affordable, healthy food and the social infrastructure local markets provide.by: Kevin Hardy May 07, 2024Lawmakers and communities fight to save access to affordable, healthy food and the social infrastructure local markets provide. -
3 Insights into the Future of Food Production
From gene editing to space tomatoes, here are some innovative approaches from the "2024 Trend Report for Planners."by: Jon DePaolis March 28, 2024From gene editing to space tomatoes, here are some innovative approaches from the "2024 Trend Report for Planners." -
Preventing the Extinction of Small Farms
Zoning Practice — December 2024by: Sabrina Torres December 01, 2024This issue of Zoning Practice explores zoning techniques that can help prevent the extinction of small farms. By examining successful case studies and innovative policies, it highlights how strategic zoning can foster communities where small farms in rural and peri-urban contexts thrive and contribute to local food security and agricultural heritage. -
Partnerships and Federal Funding Build an Oasis in a Food Desert
Tulsa Economic Development Corporation and partners leveraged federal grant dollars and made community and equity the core of a new grocery store.by: Gary Hamer, AICP March 16, 2023Tulsa Economic Development Corporation and partners leveraged federal grant dollars and made community and equity the core of a new grocery store. -
Launch an Ethical Ag-Tech Program with These 6 Tips
Controlled-environment agriculture can support local food systems, prioritize equity, and build trust.by: Michelle McCue September 20, 2022Controlled-environment agriculture can support sustainable food systems, prioritize equity, and build trust. -
Ag-Tech Could Help Solve Food Insecurity and Supply Chain Issues
As climate change threatens traditional farming, venture capitalists and communities alike are investing in digital urban agriculture for more localized, all-season food growth.by: Michelle McCue July 18, 2022As climate change threatens traditional farming, venture capitalists and communities alike are investing in digital urban agriculture for more localized, all-season food growth. -
4 Zoning Changes That Boost Local Food Security
Zoning reform isn't only about housing. Municipalities can help increase food access with a few tweaks to local land-use law.by: Gina Hervey August 05, 2021Zoning reform isn't only about housing. Municipalities can help increase food access with a few tweaks to local land-use law. -
Local Food Systems Key to Healthy, Resilient, Equitable Communities
From the economy and environment to health and food access, local and regional food systems can help address a wide range of community concerns.by: Mary Hammon, Cynthia Currie February 01, 2021As pressures on the U.S. agriculture and food businesses grow, governments across the country are experimenting with local and regional food systems models to better need their communities' needs. -
Building a Common Table: The Role for Planning in Community Food Systems
Journal of Planning Education and Research 23: 341–355, 2004by: Marsha CampbellThis article explores the conflicts within the U.S. food system but then explores potential food system complementarities among stakeholders. -
Can We Be Partners? A Case Study of Community Action and Local Food Systems Planning in Los Angeles
Journal of the American Planning Association, 85(3): 202-217, 2019by: David Sloane, Breanna Hawkins, Jacqueline IllumThis article presents a case study of how a heath advocacy organization in Los Angeles, CA, Community Health Councils (CHC), partnered with city planners and other allies to integrate food issues into three community plans. -
Urban Farming Is Going High Tech: Digital Urban Agriculture's Links to Gentrification and Land Use
Journal of the American Planning Association, 86(1): 47-59, 2020by: Michael CarolanThis article looks into where traditional urban agriculture and digital urban agriculture converge and diverge from one another as it relates to gentrification and inequitable land-use patterns. -
Regulatory Practices of Urban Agriculture: A Connection to Planning and Policy
Journal of the American Planning Association, 83(4): 389-403, 2017by: Mahbubur Meenar, Alfonso Morales, Leonard Bonarek, AICPThis article reviews policy and regulatory practices of urban agriculture in metropolitan and micropolitan areas. -
The Intersection of Planning, Urban Agriculture, and Food Justice: A Review of the Literature
Journal of the American Planning Association, 83(3): 277-295, 2017by: Megan Horst, AICP, Nathan McClintock, Lesli HoeyThis article explores the potential that planning for urban agriculture has on fostering food justice for communities. -
Defining Agritourism: A Comparative Study of Stakeholders’ Perceptions in Missouri and North Carolina
Tourism Management 37 (2013): 39e47, 2013by: Claudia Gil Arroyo, Carla Barbieri, Samantha RichThis article seeks to identify preferred definitional elements and types of agritourism activities. -
Characteristics of New Jersey Agritourism Farms
Journal of Food Distribution Research 45(2): 161–73, 2014by: Brian Schilling, Kevin SullivanThis article examines the characteristics of New Jersey farms engaging in agritourism using 2007 Census of Agriculture data. -
The Demand for Agritourism in the United States
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 33(2): 254-69, 2008by: Carlos Carpio, Michael Wohlgenant, Tullaya BoonsaengThis article examines on-farm recreation, or agritourism, as a marketed amenity of farms, and estimates the market and nonmarket benefits of rural land to visitors. -
Eating on the Go: Mobile Food Trucks
2012by: Elizabeth HumstoneThis article from Planning Commissioners Journal discusses the considerations a planner should cover when creating or amending local regulations related to mobile food trucks. -
Hungry Industry on Rolling Regulations: A Look at Food Truck Regulations in Cities Across the United States
2013by: Crystal WilliamsThis article from Maine Law Review documents the different approaches used by local government in regulating mobile food vending. -
Pigs in the Backyard or the Barnyard: Removing Zoning Impediments to Urban Agriculture
Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 38(2): 537-566, 2011by: Kate VoigtThis article examines the impact of municipal zoning regulations on urban agriculture and presents recommendations of how zoning can help municipalities encourage urban agriculture. -
Does Urban Agriculture Improve Food Security? Examining the Nexus of Food Access and Distribution of Urban Produced Foods in the United States: A Systematic Review
Sustainability, 10(9): 1-27, 2018by: Alana Siegner, Jennifer Sowerwine, Charisma AceyThis article explores the impact of urban food production on community food security. -
Food Policy: Urban Farming as a Supplemental Food Source
Journal of Social Change, 8(1): 1-13, 2016by: Bessie DiDomenica, Mark GordonThis article explores urban agriculture's potential of contributing to the urban food system. -
Perceived Impact of Agritourism on Farm Economic Standing, Sales and Profits
Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 34, 2010by: Carla Barbieri, Christine TewThis article examines the economic gains of agritourism development on Missouri farms. -
Direct Farm Marketing as a Rural Development Tool
Rural Development Perspectives, vol. 12, no. 2, 2001by: Fred GaleThis article explores the prospects of direct farm marketing for bolstering farm income and promoting rural development. -
The New Food Truck Advocacy: Social Media, Mobile Food Vending Associations, Truck Lots, & Litigation in California & Beyond
Nexus, 17(35): 35–58, 2012by: Jeffrey Dermer, Matthew Geller, Baylen LinnedkinThis article from the law and policy journal Nexus identifies general characteristics of food trucks, the factors that contribute to community support, an overview of general food truck regulations, and example food truck regulations from the state of California. -
Designing Fair and Effective Street Vending Policy: It’s Time for a New Approach
2016by: Renia EhrenfeuchtThis article from the journal Cityscape evaluates three research projects to determine that reducing street vending regulations and instead using planning can foster compatibility in the urban environment. -
Promoting Urban Agriculture as an Alternative Land Use for Vacant Properties in the City of Detroit: Benefits, Problems, and Proposals for a Regulatory Framework for Successful Land Use Integration
Wayne Law Review 56(1521): 1521–1580, 2010by: John Mogk, Sarah Kwiatkowski, Mary WeindorfThis article makes the case that Detroit should actively promote the development of urban agriculture within its boundaries to boost the local economy, improve health, and help revitalize the city. -
Creating a Legal Framework for Urban Agriculture: Lessons from Flint, Michigan
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 1(2): 91–104, 2010by: Megan Masson-Minock, Deirdra StockmannThis article offers a detailed case study of changes to land development codes to allow for urban agriculture in Flint, MI. -
Urban Agriculture in a Post-Industrial Landscape: A Case for Community-Generated Urban Design
48th ISOCARP Congress, 2012by: Md Mahbubur Meenar, Jeffrey Featherstone, Amy CahnThis article examines urban agriculture practices in Cleveland, Detroit, and Philadelphia, focusing on urban agriculture as both a community-generated urban form in post-industrial urban landscapes and as a planning process and policy problem or opportunity. -
Land Preservation Under the Transfer of Development Rights Program
Journal of the American Planning Association, 87(2): 228-238, 2021by: Li FangThis article examines the effectiveness of transfer of development rights (TDR) programs. -
Estimates of Transaction Costs in Transfer of Development Rights Programs
Journal of the American Planning Association, 84(1): 61-75, 2018by: Sina Shahab, Peter Clinch, Eoin O'NeillThis article examines the transaction costs associated with transfer of development rights (TDR) programs in an attempt to understand the impact of these costs on landowners' participation in farmland preservation programs. -
Targeting Spending for Land Conservation: An Evaluation of Maryland's Rural Legacy Program
Journal of the American Planning Association, 78(1): 34-52, 2012by: Rebecca Lewis, Gerrit KnaapThis article examines the performance of the Rural Legacy Areas program in Maryland, a targeted preservation effort to address urban sprawl in rural areas. -
Are Preserved Farms Actively Engaged in Agriculture and Conservation?
Land Use Policy, 45: 103-116, May 2015by: Paul Gottlieb, Brian Schilling, Kevin SullivanThis article sought to answer whether farmlands enrolled in protection programs are engaged in agricultural activities or conservation projects. -
Priorities for Advancing the Concept of New Ruralism
Sustainability 8(3): 1-15, 2016by: Galen Newman, Jesse Saginor, AICPThis article expands on the concept of “New Ruralism,” a development framework that links farmland preservation with residential development to reduce farmland conversion and low-density development and create planned agrarian-based rural suburbs that counteract sprawl. -
Preservation of Agricultural Lands Through Land Use Planning Tools and Techniques
Natural Resources Journal, 44(1): 283–318, 2004by: Elisa PasterThis article establishes the importance of protecting farmland, outlines the legal authority of local governments to do so, and discusses several regulatory and nonregulatory farmland protection policies and implementation techniques, including agricultural zoning (area-based and large-lot), cluster development, agricultural buffering, right-to-farm laws, agricultural districting, land evaluation -
Placing The Food System On The Urban Agenda: The Role Of Municipal Institutions In Food Systems Planning
June 199by: Kami PothukuchiThis article identifies and describes how foods systems are both overlooked and a connected and integral urban issue. -
Facilitate Healthy And Environmentally Sustainable Diet-Related Practices: A Scoping Review
October 2021by: Liza Barbour, Rebecca Lindberg, Julie Woods, Karen Charlton, Julie BrimblecombeThis article discusses what local governments globally have done to implement and facilitate food systems. -
State And Communities In Urban Food Governance: Lessons From COVID And Insights For The Future
May 2023by: Johan Nordnsvard, Bingqin Li, Catalina Turcu, Jiwei Qian, Young-hwan Byun, Yiran Li, Carl-Johan Sommar, Martina RotoloThis article discusses food systems from an urban governance perspective and analyzes how Covid-19 had an impact on the system. -
The Role Of Food Policy Councils In Developing Sustainable Food Systems
Vol. 3, 2008by: Rebecca Schiff, Journal of Hunger & Envrionmental NutritionThis article discusses food system solutions with one of these being food policy councils and how they can be the bridge gap between public, private, and academic entities. -
Developing Regulations for Keeping Urban Chickens
2015by: Jacquie JacobThis article from Cooperative Extension provides recommendations on developing regulations for urban chickens. -
Of Backyard Chickens and Front Yard Gardens: The Conflict Between Local Governments and Locavores
University of Maine Law School Digital Commons, 2012by: Sarah SchindlerThis article explores justifications for the replacement of proscriptive urban agriculture bans with new prescriptive and permissive urban agriculture policies and regulations. -
Regulating Backyard Slaughter: Strategies and Gaps in Municipal Livestock Ordinances
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 6(1): 33–48, 2015by: Jennifer BlechaThis article examines the animal policies in 22 U.S. cities and identifies five approaches to governing backyard slaughter. -
Reimagining the Food System, the Economy, and Urban Life: New Urban Chicken-Keepers in U.S. Cities
Urban Geography 35(1): 86–108, January 2014by: Jennifer Blecha, Helga LeitnerThis article offers a study of urban chicken-keepers in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, and describes the benefits that these residents feel they are gaining by keeping chickens. -
Welcoming Animals Back to the City: Navigating the Tensions of Urban Livestock Through Municipal Ordinances
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development 2(2): 1–23, 2012by: William ButlerThis article studies ordinances from 22 U.S. cities that have recently revised their codes and analyzes how these cities regulate urban livestock. -
Illegal Fowl: A Survey of Municipal Laws Relating to Backyard Poultry and a Model Ordinance for Regulating City Chickens
42 Environmental Law Reporter 10888, 2012by: Jaime BouvierThis article reports on municipal chicken-keeping ordinances in the 100 largest U.S. cities and offers a model ordinances for use by municipalities. -
Feeding the Locavores, One Chicken at a Time: Regulating Backyard Chickens
2011 Zoning and Planning Law Report, Vol. 34, No. 3, p. 1; Albany Law School Research Paper No. 46; Touro Law Center Legal Studies Research Paper Seriesby: Patricia SalkinThis article examines federal and state government regulation, nuisance law and restrictive covenants, and zoning and other local controls used to regulate backyard chickens. -
Honey, It’s all the Buzz: Regulating Neighborhood Bee Hives
Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 39: 55, 2011; Albany Law School Research Paper No. 19 of 2011–2012.by: Patricia SalkinThis article reviews practical regulations that promote backyard beekeeping while maximizing its benefits and minimizing its potential harm. -
Defining the Role of Conservation in Agricultural Conservation Easements
Ecology Law Quarterly, 44(3): 627-680, December 2017by: Jess PhelpsThis article addresses the conflicts between agricultural conservation easements and farmers' needs to adjust future agricultural practices and business conditions. -
Preserving and Promoting Agricultural Activities in the Peri-Urban Space
University of Manitoba Press, March 2017by: Nicolas BrunetThis article discusses the preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities in areas that are subject to the pressures of urban development. -
The Future of Farming on the Urban Edge: Insights from Fifteen U.S. Counties About Farmland Protection and Farm Viability
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 1(2): 59–75, 2010by: Kate Clancy, Lydia Oberholzer, J. Dixon EsseksThis article surveyed landowners in fifteen (15) U.S. counties to examine the opportunities and challenges faced by farmers in urban-edge areas.
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